Board of Adjustment
January 5, 2021 REGULAR SESSION 6:00 p.m.
City Hall, Council Chambers 2nd Floor, 205 North Marion Ave. Lake City, FL 32055
2. MINUTES: To approve the minutes of the Dec. 1, 2020 Meeting.
A. Petition # V 20-07, submitted by Robbie Caldwell as agent for Jessica Greene- owner, to request a variance for allowance of reduction of setbacks and lot size in Residential Zoning 3 (RSF 3) as described in Section 4.5.7 and 4.5.6 of the Land Development Regulations on property described as Columbia County Parcel No. 10768-000, as lying within the City of Lake City, Florida, City Limits.
B. Petition # SE 20-08, submitted by Robbie Caldwell as agent for Jessica Greene- owner, to request a special exception for allowance of a standard design manufactured home in Residential Zoning 3 (RSF 3) as described in Section of the Land Development Regulations on property described as Columbia County Parcel No. 10768-000, as lying within the City of Lake City, Florida, City Limits.
C. Petition # SE 20-09, submitted by Maggie Schultz and Amanda Hessein (esqs) as agent for Bob Evans Restaurant, LLC- owner, to request a special exception for allowance of Alcohol sales in a commercial highway interchange zoning district as described in Section 4.14.5 of the Land Development Regulations on property described as Columbia County Parcel No. 02537-000, as lying within the City of Lake City, Florida, City Limits.
D. Petition # V 20-08, submitted by Barry Greene (BAG farms, LLC) as owner, to request a variance for of relief of Offstreet parking and offstreet loading facilities, 2. Surfaced with one (1) inch of Type II asphaltic concrete surface course may be surfaced with grass or lawn), in the Commercial General (CG) zoning district as described in of the Land Development Regulations on property described as Columbia County Parcel No. 13218-000, as lying within the City of Lake City, Florida, City Limits.
E. Petition # SE 20-10, submitted by David Young (Growth Management Director) as agent for City of Lake City-owner, to request a special exception for allowance proposed development as described in the Land Development Regulations (section Commercial General 4.12.5 (7)) on property described as Columbia County Parcel No. 02464-006, as lying within the City of Lake City, Florida, City Limits.
F. Petition # SE 20-11, submitted by David Young (Growth Management Director) as agent for City of Lake City-owner, to request a special exception for allowance proposed development as described in the Land Development Regulations (Central Business District-4.14.5 (3)) on property described as Columbia County Parcel No. 12017-000/12016-000/12018-000, as lying within the City of Lake City, Florida, City Limits.
Meeting Instructions:
Due to the COVID-19 social distancing requirements, the City of Lake City will hold the meeting via in person with social distancing requirements and as an alternative: telephonic and video conferencing communications media technology.
Members of the public may attend the meeting online at:
Telephonic by toll number (no cost to the city), audio only: at 1-346-248-7799
Webinar ID: 840 6702 7714# Then it will ask for Participant id, just press #.
Telephonic by toll-free number (cost per minute, billed to the city, zero cost to the caller), audio only:
Webinar ID: 840 6702 7714# Then it will ask for Participant id, just press #.
The public may participate at the appropriate time via: (i) video conference by utilizing the software chat function or raise hand function to request to speak; or (2) telephonically by using dialing *9 to raise hand. The Chair will allow for sufficient time for all participants to be heard.
In the event of connection or web conferencing failure, please use this secondary conference call option for public hearings:
1-844-992-4726 (toll-free) Enter access code 173 541 6832#
Then it will ask for attendee ID number, just press #
Those attendees wishing to share a document must email the item to no later than noon on the day of the meeting. Pursuant to 286.0105, Florida Statutes, the City hereby advises the public if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at its meetings or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Special requirements: Pursuant to 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this meeting should contact the Growth Management Office at (386)719-5750.