Used Manufactured Home Permit Application
Date Completed:__________________________________________ Permit #____________________________________
**Must also complete the attached "Mobile Home Permit Worksheet" that is attached at the bottom of this page.
NOTE: All housing is subject to a 2-part application and review process. It must first go through zoning review and approval prior to submission of this permit application.
Date Stamp:
Received By:______________________________
See the Growth Management Department in order to request a Housing Assessment Report for the subject property. After the assessment is complete, you will be provided with the Housing Zoning Review Application and instructions. Do not purchase property or a home before it has been approved for zoning related standards.
Prior to any manufactured home permits being issued by the City of Lake City, the following will be required from Owner, Manufactured Home Dealer or Set up Contractor.
1. Owners Name
3. Job Site Address – If a vacant lot, the City will assign a 911 address.
4. Legal Description
5. Make of Manufactured Home
6. Year Manufactured Home Constructed
7. Model Number of Manufactured Home
8. Serial Number of Manufactured Home
9. Paper Survey of Property
10. Elevation Certificate, if Located in Flood Zone
11. Set Up Contractors Name
13. Set Up Contractors License Number
14. Completed Plat Plan Showing Lot Dimensions, Manufactured Home Size and Proposed Setbacks of Home to Property Lines
15. Street Name(s) that Lot Faces (lot must have access to a public street)
16. If no City-sewer is available – contact Growth Management to determine if location is allowed by local code to have a septic system. If yes, a Septic Tank Permit will be needed.
17. Copy of Deed Showing Property Ownership.
18. If Property is not owned by Applicant, notarized letter from owner allowing placement of manufactured home will be required.
19. Pictures shall be submitted detailing the exterior and interior condition of the manufactured home.
Blank Forms are furnished by the Growth Management Department, but it is the Owner, Dealer or Set up Contractors’ responsibility to furnish all required information.
PLEASE PRINT all information so as to be legible.
1. Owner:_______________________________________________________
2. Address:______________________________________________________ E-Mail:______________________________________
3. Job Site Address:_______________________________________________
4. Legal Description:____________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Make and year of manufactured home:_____________________________________________________
6. Model number of manufactured home:_____________________________________________________
7. Serial number of manufactured home:______________________________________________________
8. Current survey submitted? Yes / No Boundary marked? Yes / No
9. Septic tank (if allowed) permit submitted? Yes / No
10. Is property located in flood zone? Yes / No
11. Contractor:_____________________________________________
Address:______________________________________________ E-Mail:_______________________________________________
12. Contractor's license number:_____________________________
13. Valuation:___________________________ Nature of work:____________________________________________________________
14. Street name (or) property frontage:________________________________________________________________________________
15. Permit number:______________________________________ Approved? Yes / No
16. Remarks:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________
17. Zoning:_____________________________________________
Yard setbacks: Front:__________________ Side:_______________________ Rear:_________________________
Number of off street parking spaces:___________________________
NOTE: STEPS AND PORCHES, etc. may not encroach in REQUIRED YARD. Also, all tongues must be removed.
SITE PLAN – A certified survey and corners of the property flagged is now required for all housing permits.
You will use the survey page as your site plan, showing where you propose to locate the home.
Improved driveways and approved street-access is also required for all housing permits.
The site plan and driveway review is part of the required zoning review process, and once approved, will be included with this application.
Permit Application / Manufactured Home Installed
Applicant:____________________________________ Name of licensed dealer / installer:_____________________________________________
Address:_____________________________________ License Number:_____________________________________________________________
_____________________________________ Installation decal #___________________________________________________________
Manufacturers name:_____________________________________________________
Roof zone:____________________________________________ Wind zone:_________________________________________________________
Number of sections:______________ Width:__________ Length:___________ Year:____________ Serial #_____________________________
Installation standard used (check one): Manufacturers Manual____ 15C-1____
Debris and organic material removal:______________________________ Compacted fill:__________________________ Page:___________
Water drainage: Natural:________________ Swale:________________ Pad:________________ Other________________ Page:___________
Load bearing soil capacity:_____________________________________ or Assumed 1000 PSF:_______________________ Page____________
Footing Type: Poured in place:________________ Portable:__________________ Size and thickness________________ Page:____________
I-Beam or mainrail piers: Single Tiered:________________________ Double interlocked:____________________________ Page:____________
Size of piers:________________________________________ Placement O/C:_______________________________________ Page:____________
Perimeter pier blocking: Size:_________________________ Placement O/C:_______________________________________ Page:____________
Ridge beam support blocking: Size:_____________ Number:_______________ Location(s):_________________________ Page:____________
Ridge beam support footer: Size:_____________ Number:_______________ Location(s):____________________________ Page:____________
Center line blocking: Size:________________ Number:_________________ Location(s):______________________________ Page:____________
Special pier blocking required: (fireplace, bay window, etc.) Yes_______________________ No________________________ Page:____________
Mating of multiple units: Mating gasket:_________________________ Type used:_____________________________________ Page:____________
Fasteners: Roofs Type and size:___________________________________ Spacing:______________________________O/C Page:____________
Endwalls Type and size:___________________________________ Spacing:______________________________O/C Page:____________
Floors Type and size:___________________________________ Spacing:______________________________O/C Page:____________
Type 3150 working load:_____________________________________________ 4000 working load:_______________________ Page:____________
Height of unit: (Top of foundation or footer to bottom of frame)_____________________________________________________ Page:____________
Number of frame ties:______________________ Spacing:_____________________O/C Angle of strap:__________Degrees Page:____________
Number of over roof ties: (If required):____________________________________________________________________________ Page:___________
Number of sidewall anchors:___________________________ Zone I:_______________________ Zone II:___________________ Page:___________
Number of centerline anchors:___________________________________ Number of stabilizer devices:______________________ Page:___________
Vents required for underpinning (1SF/150 SF of floor area) Number:_________________________________________________ Page:___________
- Besides the Housing Standards as found in the Land Development Regulations (see Growth Management for details), USED manufactured homes are also required to have been found to meet minimum standards and requirements.
- If the home is currently located outside the city limits of Lake City, Florida, this inspection report must be completed by the licensed dealer and state certified / licensed installer.
- If the home is currently located inside the city limits of Lake City, Florida, this inspection report must be completed by the Growth Management Director/Building Official.
- A move-on permit issued by the City of Lake City, for a home brought in from outside the city limits, based on an inspection report submitted to the Building Official, does not constitute final approval for these standards by the Building Official, who retains final authority in these matters.
- The City retains the right to revoke or otherwise deny any permit for a manufactured home which is subsequently determined by the Building Official to not meet the minimum standards and requirements of the Lake City Land Development Regulations.
- No manufactured home, whether located inside or outside the city limits, which is determined by the Building Official to not meet the minimum standards and requirements, can be in any manner established, re-established, located or moved to or within the city limits.
- Ones found to be moved into the city limits prior to the required inspections, reports and permitting, shall be required to be moved back outside the city limits, and the proper process begun, as required by local and state code and laws.
- No such home which fails the Building Official’s inspections for minimum standards and requirements is eligible to be established, re-established, located or moved to or within the city limits. At the discretion of the Building Official, certain repairs or replacements may be made to bring the home up to standards; however, deficiencies comprehensive in nature which are structural in nature and/or which compromise the integrity of the home shall not be considered for permit application unless and until it is returned to the factory which originally made it, so that necessary repairs, and re-inspections and re-certification can be obtained by certified factory inspectors, according to HUD construction standards and guidelines, and also to address any minimum requirement deficiencies as were noted by the Building Official as part of the inspection(s).
(a) The minimum requirements for used manufactured homes shall be as set forth in this section.
(b) Fire safety
_____________(1) All manufactured homes manufactured after January of 1968 shall have
an approved smoke detector(s) properly located outside of each sleeping area of the manufactured home.
_____________(2) Smoke detectors shall be installed to the product manufacturer’s installation instructions.
(c) Electrical
_____________(1) Every unit shall have a complete electrical system.
_____________(2) Distribution panel boards shall be properly installed, complete with required breaker/fuses, with all unused openings properly covered. All connections are to be checked for tightness, and all panels shall be accessible. Distribution panel board may be located in a closet provided there is at least 6 inches of space between the panel board any easily ignitable materials.
_____________(3) All electrical fixtures shall be properly, wired and supported. Aluminum conductors shall be connected to approve listed devices.
_____________(4) All grounding conductors shall be secured to the proper locations and/or connector on the fixture or device.
(d) Plumbing
_____________(1) All plumbing fixtures shall be protected with approved and workable traps.
_____________(2) Plumbing fixtures shall be properly vented and fixtures shall be in workable condition.
_____________(3) Relief valve on water heater shall have sufficient room to operate, and shall have unthreaded ¾” drain pipe extended beneath the manufactured home.
_____________(4) Drainage piping shall be complete. Piping shall be supported properly and not constitute a hazard.
_____________(5) Water piping shall not be bent or kinked so as to retard the flow of water. Each fixture shall be connected to water piping.
(e) Heating and air conditioning.
_____________(1) All required cooking and heating appliances shall be properly anchored and connected in place.
_____________(2) If the home has deleted heating system, drop-outs must be installed for connecting exterior system.
_____________(3) All homes with central hearing and/or cooling shall have operable thermostat.
_____________(4) Air registers shall be operable.
_____________(5) Ducts shall be sealed at openings and shall not be crushed or missing.
_____________(6) Gas furnace and water heating vents shall be properly installed and secured to applicance.
_____________(7) There shall be proper return air to furnace, exterior heat/AC units and all rooms.
_____________(8) Range and bathroom ceiling vents shall be complete and vented to outside.
_____________(9) All gas appliances shall be connected with an approved shut-off valve, if building was manufactured after May of 1975.
(f) Construction
_____________(1) Exterior exit doors, including sliding glass, shall be in good working order.
_____________(2) Exterior doors shall be operable locks.
_____________(3) All manufactured homes manufactured after January of 1975 shall have
an exterior egress door or an operable egress window located in each sleeping room with an opening of 22” in its shortest measurement.
_____________(4) All windows and window operators shall be operable. Missing glass shall be replaced.
_____________(5) Screens shall be required on each window capable of being opened.
_____________(6) All holes in the floor and damaged flooring, and all broken decking and floor joists shall be repaired or replaced.
_____________(7) Missing interior paneling shall be replaced and bowed or loose paneling shall be secured.
_____________(8) Bottom board shall be made rodent proof throughout and securely sealed.
Missing insulation from exposed areas shall be replaced.
_____________(9) When visible structural damage caused by water leaks is apparent, repairs and corrections are to be completed to assure leaks have been corrected.
____________(10) All over-the-roof tie-down straps shall be free of damage. Frame ties and blocking on all used single and double wide homes shall be as required in the amended Rules of the Division of Motor Vehicles, Chapter 15C-1, if the manufacture’s setup requirements are not available. Splices of strap shall overlap at least 12” and be secured with 2 seals. All tie points shall be used.
The City reserves the right to add additional deficiencies noted, according to the final authority of the Building Official.
Inspector (Print):_____________________________________________
State License #:______________________________________________(attach copy)
I have inspected the above described manufactured home on_______________.
This manufactured home does ( ) does not ( ) meet the standards set by the City of Lake City.
This manufactured home does ( ) does not ( ) meet the criteria for remodel or repair.
Signature Required
This manufactured home shall be located at ____________________________ Lake City, Florida, for residential use only.
Mobile Home Installation Requirements
Make of mobile home:____________________________________________
Actual date of construction:_______________________________________
Model number or name:__________________________________________
Serial number:__________________________________________________
Width:_________________________ Length:________________________
Soil bearing capacity:_________________________________P.S.F. (test in 6 locations)
Torque test:_________________________________________Pounds per square inch.
Dealer / Installer name:___________________________________________
License number:_________________________________________________
Type footer: Poured:____________________________ Portable:_________________________ Size:__________________________
Spacing of main rail piers:________________________________________ft on center.
Perimeter pier blocking required: Yes / No Locations:_________________________________________________________________
Ridge beam opening length:______________________________________ Ridge beam footer size:____________________________
Center line blocking: Number:____________________________________ Spacing:__________________________________________
Special pier blocking required: Yes / No Locations:_____________________________________________________________________
Mating material: Gasket:_________________________________________ Other:____________________________________________
Fasteners: Roofs Type and size:___________________________________ Spacing:______________________________O/C
Endwalls Type and size:___________________________________ Spacing:______________________________O/C
Floors Type and size:___________________________________ Spacing:______________________________O/C
Anchors: 3150# working load:_______________________________________ #4000 working load:____________________________
Number of frame ties:_______________________________________________ Spacing:______________________________O/C
Number of over roof ties:____________________________________________ Spacing:______________________________O/C
If Soil Test and Torque Test are not performed, 1000# Bering Capacity is to be assumed and five foot, 4000# anchors are to be used, also all Tests will be verified by City Inspector.
Dealers/Installers are responsible for all of the above requirements. The City of Lake City will not accept incomplete applications.
Owner's Name:______________________________________________ Owner's Phone Number:___________________________________
Owner's Address:____________________________________________ Year/Manufacturer:________________________________________
City, State, Zipcode:__________________________________________
Width:___________________________ Length:_____________________________ Single:___________________ Double:_________________
Skirting:____________________________________________________ (Must meet housing standards)
1. ( ) Title, Registration and copy of Bill of Sale / Invoice.
2. ( ) Data Plate Serial Number (in closet or kitchen cabinet). ___________________________
3. ( ) HUD Label Number (metal plate riveted to side of trailer). __________________________
4. ( ) Wind Zone II ( ) Wind Zone III (Wind zone I not allowed.)
5. ( ) Copy of deed and a Notarized Permission to set-up Affidavit from property owner.
6. ( ) Name of Transporter and / or DOT Permit #_______________________________________
I (we) do hereby certify that to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief, that all of the above information, statements and attachments contained in any papers or plans submitted herewith, are true and correct. I authorize the City Growth Management, or their designee to enter and inspect the premises, which are the subject of this application, for information gathering and inspections.
______________________________________________ / ______________________________________ ___________________
Printed Name Signature Date
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____day of _____, 20___, by (name of person acknowledging).
Signature of Notary
(Notary Seal or Stamp)
Printed Name of Notary
Personally Known _______ OR Produced Identification _______ Type of Identification Produced.
Manufactured Home Dealer of Set-Up Contractor
_________________________________ / _______________________________ _________________
Printed Name Signature Date
STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ________ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____day of _____, 20___, by (name of person acknowledging).
Signature of Notary
(Notary seal or stamp)
Printed Name of Notary
Personally Known _______ OR Produced Identification _______ Type of Identification Produced